Sūpā ekisaitingu (Super exciting)
We all know the FIFA World Cup is on this year in Russia, but next year, the Rugby World Cup is on in Japan! The Blossoms (the national...

Bring back the pouch?
As another season of Christmas catalogues loom and production runs need to be decided on, a decision to bring back the beloved dice bag...

The 2014 Pocket Sports wrap
What a year! 2014 saw the release of games 5 & 6, Pocket Rugby & Pocket Basketball bringing a mix of mechanics from the previous games....

A cleaner, greener bag
Designing a game involves a lot of things. Changing factories is a major stumbling block. Negotiating prices, components, labour,...

Pocket Sports Football - New Edition
Hmm....the bag's the same colour. The silhouette has changed. New Edition, eh? Let's take a closer look at Pocket Sports Football. The...

Pocket Sports Boxing
Initially I started with 6 dice for this game. Our first game, Pocket Cricket began life with 5 dice and then the addition of the extra...

Pocket Sports Test Cricket
How can the mighty Pocket Cricket get any better I hear you ask? Simple......build a brother. A new game that provides a longer battle. A...

Pocket Baseball - a twist on a new game
I've always wanted to make a baseball game. After Pocket Cricket was designed, crossing over the mechanics of hitting choice...

Wall of Fame - can a career mode work in Pocket Sports?
Each new game I design tends to start the same way, but finishes in ways I hadn't considered when beginning. Pocket Tennis is nice,...

Which Rugby is it?
Both......or it soon will be. Those fans lucky enough to get one of the Pocket Rugby League sets will soon have a true...