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Solitaire Football Manager (pencil & paper)

I'm back with a Design Diary episode on something that has been sitting in a file for ages. It's a simple D6 rolling solitaire game taking the role of a Football Club Manager trying to build up his team and lead them through divisions to the top flight.

You'll have to win finals to advance into harder leagues, gain sponsors, purchase key personnel and deal with events on and off the pitch that help or hinder your team progress.

By no means is this the finished product, but it's an interesting little game that requires only 10 mins, a few standard dice and a pen to jot down weekly match scores. The reason I'm sharing it with you is to get you involved. It's the World Cup Year and Football will be the topic of the month in June!

I have a PDF for print and play purposes so if this brings back memories of by gone chart football games, send me an email and I'll share the PDF with you. Of course any feedback or suggestions on how to modernize the game for 2018 would be helpful.

Kind regards,

Hamish Sterling

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