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The 2014 Pocket Sports wrap

What a year!

2014 saw the release of games 5 & 6, Pocket Rugby & Pocket Basketball bringing a mix of mechanics from the previous games. We wanted to improve the opponent inclusion in the games and these two games saw some changes.

The last few months of 2014 then saw a flood of new game ideas and design. All six new titles are due to be completed Dec 30 and with me a week or so after that (all things going to plan that is).

New game releases are exciting and nerve racking at the same time. Apprehension like sending your kid off for school and hoping he does ok in class. Hoping people will see how I've tried to make each new game slightly unique from the others.

I'll be making some running commentary on the new games when they go out for the broader market. I'll be welcoming feedback on the new systems I've used and putting that in to the next swag of games...........and yes........I've been working on those already :)

Thanks for everyone's great support! Without it, I'd have to have a day job :)


PS - If you have any photos of the games in action, I'd love them on our FaceBook page

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