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Which Rugby is it?

Both......or it soon will be. Those fans lucky enough to get one of the Pocket Rugby League sets will soon have a true collecitble......It will soon be discountinued and a new Pocket Rugby 'Hybrid' will take it's place.

Why is this happening? Well......we had an online shop in the UK commission us to make a Rugby Union version. I sat and contemplated how this would be done and came up with the idea to 'cross' facilitate the dice with two sets of rules.

A simple solution for those with either game, to be able to play either game. Both sets of rules will be on our site and free to download. The bag (pictured above) will have a slight make-over of the silhouette player but the colour of the bag will stay the same.

Tweaking the rules to include more scrums, line outs and drop goals really adds the Union flavour and more strategy with Kicking for points. At this stage, the new rules and games will be up in October.

I hope this will scratch the itch of both codes and keep all 'Rugby' fans happy!

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