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Wall of Fame - can a career mode work in Pocket Sports?

Each new game I design tends to start the same way, but finishes in ways I hadn't considered when beginning.

Pocket Tennis is nice, simple and captures a solid tennis theme. Two players, back and forth. The dice will tell you much of what's happening but I've included a couple of interetsing mechanics to help this game stand out among a growing line up of Pocket Sports games.

The most obvious and most used when first playing is the Bird Eye review die. A challenge to your opponent's WINNING shot really does feel like the game has been stopped to watch the replay. An interesting and modern addition for a tennis dice game......but is it enough?

Could a career mode be introduced? Would people be honest and proud enough to write their name on the Wall of a legacy.....that is permanent? A historical account for those that acheieve certain levels of play?

I'm chancing it will. Not only for solitaire play but displaying an accurate record of 3 winners in each prize as and when they happen, keep bragging rights current and on hold into the future.


The possibility of micro marketing is now on the radar. Could I approach companies or business to 'sponsor' or 'host' these levels in exchange for the naming rights of each prize?

A solid Kickstarter reward........but can it be done without Kickstarter?

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