Bring back the pouch?

As another season of Christmas catalogues loom and production runs need to be decided on, a decision to bring back the beloved dice bag original packaging is once again on the table.
Last year saw the transition over to the tuck box version games that made up for the missing bag with cards, cubes and for retailers, they got their requested improvement on packaging. Barcodes, safety standards and lower min order quantity were indeed to tempt more brick & mortar stores to put us on the shelves.
With the year behind us now, it's clear that appeasing the retail overlords had very little effect on their decision. Buyers at the trade show liked the new presentation but wanted the price of the old style. This now has me back to the drawing board to consider whether we are in fact, an online only product?
Personally, selling direct to consumers online is the best way for me to do business. No 50% off for wholesale and retailers. No 60% for distributors who do a very mediocre job of promoting and selling the games Selling direct to someone who has found the website, taken a good look at what we offer and made a decision to support our range of indie games gives a better feeling of satisfaction to me as the game designer.
Given the above, cutting out retail as an avenue leaves me room to play with numbers. The original price of $11.99 for a pouched game was right on the mark for most consumers. I do standby the price and value of the newer style games and the hours put into designing the cards and rules were considerable.
That said, sometimes less is more.
So I wanted to ask the best audience their thoughts about this subject.
Would you like to the see the 'pouch' return?
Having extra cards for specific games as a cheap add on?
I'd very much like to hear your opinions as I value those who have played and purchased the games as valuable advisors to what you'd like to see going forward. Feel free to email should you wish to comment.
Many thanks
Hamish Sterling