A matter of timing
Pocket Sports has been going through some changes, as most may have noticed. Games are slowly changing over to the 'next gen' tuck box...

The 2014 Pocket Sports wrap
What a year! 2014 saw the release of games 5 & 6, Pocket Rugby & Pocket Basketball bringing a mix of mechanics from the previous games....

Pocket Sports Rugby - 'intensity' is the name of the game
I'm as eager as everyone for the new games to arrive at the end of the month. The New Edition Rugby has had a quick turnaround from...

A cleaner, greener bag
Designing a game involves a lot of things. Changing factories is a major stumbling block. Negotiating prices, components, labour,...

Pocket Sports Boxing
Initially I started with 6 dice for this game. Our first game, Pocket Cricket began life with 5 dice and then the addition of the extra...

Pocket Baseball - a twist on a new game
I've always wanted to make a baseball game. After Pocket Cricket was designed, crossing over the mechanics of hitting choice...