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A matter of timing

Pocket Sports has been going through some changes, as most may have noticed.

Games are slowly changing over to the 'next gen' tuck box series. Not only that, but games are now classified as 'dice & card' games.

The beloved pouch is gradually disappearing but in return, deluxe printed cards are being inserted. They aren't just there for looks or to make good book marks, they serve a practical purpose for a problem that may have been faced in all other previous Pocket Sports games.....timing and scoring.

Yes, we recommend 5 minutes halves for Football, or 5 minute quarters for Basketball, but how many people do that?

Setting a target score to reach for each sport is the new mechanic and one that has worked well to date. The newer titles released in August (Gridiron / Hockey / Cycling / Basketball 15 / Golf 15) all had the new cards to track scores with the use of wooden cubes, so now the more familiar games need to catch up.

Aussie Rules & Test Cricket have been spruced up and join the 'deluxe' versions. Not only has the need for pen & paper scoring no longer required, but team cards give a sense of ownership, like a team manager may feel.

I'm sure followers of the Pocket Sports series will appreciate the new scoring method and see potential value for collectors :)

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