Lance Armstrong wouldn't go the distance!

3 riders.....4 countries.....I sat down today to give Pocket Sports Cycling a run through.
45 mins later I had an incredibly tense last dash to the finish line, comparable to the any cycling story Lance Armstrong would come up with!
Pocket Sports Cycling Tour is a game still in development. It's one of the new editions to feature team cards. While it's still a few months away, the core basics work simply and create a pace of gameplay that today's real cycling tours couldn't finish more beautifully.
I ran the 3 riders through a time trial to establish their staring positions, which were:
Team Novus - Chuck Wyatt clocked a trial time of 1hr 35mins putting him in 14th starting position. Team Green Bud - Helmut Klein recorded 2 hrs exactly to start in 19th position Team Void - Jorge Gomez followed in 20th position with a time of 2hrs 5mins
Spain saw the start of the tour and an easy pace to the field. Some jostling Team Void & Team Green Bud saw the latter move up 4 places to 15, while Team Void slipped to 21st. Team Novus kept the lead to finish in 11th place.
Belgium witnessed an incredible 5 stage march from Jorge Gomez to improve from 21st to 13th position. Helmut improved Green Bud's position to 9th, while Team Novus powered to 6th, ending the first half of the tour.
With new bikes and France waiting, Chuck Wyatt continued Team Novus' domination in the race so far to claim 1st position by stage 6. by the end of the Tour France, both Team Green Bud & Void tussled back and forth to end up in 9th and 6th respectively.
The final Tour Italy saw an inconceivable race to the finish line. After 3 complete stages of domination, Chuck Wyatt and Team Novus came undone in the last 5 stages. Riding in 1st/2nd position for the most part of 20 stages through France and Italy, some dirty tactics imposed by both Wyatt and Gomez created an amazing finish involving a dubious clash of bikes forcing Wyatt to lose 3 places and allowing Gomez to snatch the win in overall 3rd position.
When questioned by the media about the replay that clearly showed Gomez ramming the wheel of his bike into the back tyre of Wyatt's bike, he smiled and replied "Pocket Sports Cycling Tour is not for the faint of heart!"