No way brah!

Gnarly dude!
Wait....What? Who'll be Bodhi.....Utah?
We're looking to hit the waves later in the year with Pocket Sports Surfing Tour. You'll take charge of a surfer competing at 6 locations across the globe trying to score as many points possible on each wave you ride.
A simple wave selection mechanic will allow choosing waves according to their size and risk. The smaller the wave, the safer it is to perform lower scoring moves. The bigger the wave, the more risk of wiping out but a chance to shred some wicked lines!
A sneaky push your luck mechanic happens when you're inside the tube! How cool is that!
During the game you'll have chances to pick up sponsors from boards to wetsuits. Collecting 3 of a particular sponsor will upgrade your surfer's gear needed to survive wipe outs at certain locations.
The game is still in beta and we're looking for playtesters. If you can follow a PnP version, get it here