Our biggest challenge so far

A new year is upon Pocket Sports and we face our biggest challenge. Every year, Melbourne hosts the Australian Toy Association 'Toy & Hobby' Fair. It is the mecca for industry heavy weights, buyers, licensors, game designers, movers and shakers. If you are anyone worth knowing in the toy/hobby industry, you attend this event.
With space at this event not being cheap, I've never had the courage to chance my arm. As in any industry, being independent is a David & Goliath battle.
The recent release of our new Pocket Sports games has brought us to the banks of the Rubicon. We've got approval for a second 'Ashes Edition' for the away series in England and the swag of games we now sell (12 in total) is pushing us into the stream.
It's time to have our brand amongst the big brands. It's time to squeeze onto the shelves swallowed up big the international corporates. It's just time........
On March 3rd, stall MA26 - an obscure stall at the back of the sprawling exhibition centre is where Pocket Sports will be perched. Armed with nothing more than our range of games and some marketing collateral in the smallest stall available, our advance will begin.
Pocket Sports......the little dice games making a big play!