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Taming the Green Moose

My good old 71 year old Dad and I sat down so I could introduce him to Pocket Golf. I ran through the rules and we had a few practice holes to get into the swing of things, and we we're good to go.

The mighty Green Moose Valley course faced it's first competitors...could it be broken or would it serve out a cold dish of defeat?

The 1st hole worked out well for both of us. Solid drives, accurate approach shots that left us 2yds and 5yrds respectively - the putts held their line and we had birdied.

The 2nd hole was soon taught who was boss. A pearler of a second shot saw my first eagle as it dropped right on the money and in the hole. Dad followed with a birdie and things couldn't have started better......

The third hole - par 3 - where the brave have a 1/6 chance of a hole in one but a 2/6 chance of going Out of Bounds. I struck the 7 iron, going for glory and *POW* - smack on 110yds. The Green Moose has been given a good rogering and handed out it's first hole-in-one.

After that, my Dad then felt the full force of the Green Moose. A duffed short tee shot led to the 2nd being overshot and OB. A disastrous series of short pitches and even shorter putts left him with a 9 for the 2nd hole! The course had awoken....

We played through the remaining holes, both using two Caddy Tips each to assist. I managed to find the water on the long par5 9th hole but ended up with 33 for the round (3 under) and Dad scored 38 (2 over)

We decided to play the back 9 on another day........but I think he was still shaken from the 3rd hole ;)

Tell us about your session on the Green Moose Valley Course!

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