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Pocket Football getting ready to kick off!

Let's address the elephant in the room? Should it be Football or Soccer?

We chose Pocket Football as the global reference to the game is commonly that. Outside of Australia and the US, soccer is football. The consensus wins.

So how do you play footbal with dice?

At first glance 8 dice may be's often the case people pick up all 8 and roll them together, like in Yahtzee. Both players use the pool of dice when they control possession of the ball. If they pass to their Midfeilder, they'll roll that die. If he passes to the WIng, that will be the next die rolled.

After a few minutes of getting familiar with the positions and colours, players become more dexterious and dice are rolled and swapped while the match is called out loud.

The addition of 'Skills' points allows players to add a little strategy to their game with rerolls vital to avoid the dreaded 'T' turnover.

Pocket Football gets competitive really quick, but that's what makes it a great football game!

Pre-orders are now being taken with a discount of $3 - so get in now and reserve yours today!

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