Pocket Sports Test Cricket
How can the mighty Pocket Cricket get any better I hear you ask? Simple......build a brother. A new game that provides a longer battle. A...

Pocket Cricket - International Team Sets
Since the release of Pocket Cricket in 2010, we've moved focus to other games in the Pocket Sports series. Each new game takes quite an...
An Enders pictorial review of Pocket Cricket
Yes - Pocket Cricket has been given the review treatment by one of the BGG's foremost game reviewers. Read all about...and see the...

The Ashes are in the bag!
Here's a ripping article just before The Ashes first test commences at The Gabba. Howzat!? http://www.cairnspost.com.au/news/cairns/limit...

Your chance to play in the Ashes!
The roller-coaster of Test Cricket between the juggernauts, England & Australia battling it out to claim the Ashes will start all over...